Saturday, May 16, 2009

Why Won't Mark Spencer Stand Up?

There was a bunch of news this past week about a battle up at City Hall. Councilman Nowakowki has been accused of breaking the law because he was pushing to have Jack Harris fired.

This is my questions -- why hasn't Mark Spencer stood up? Everyone knows that Spencer was the one pushing to have Harris fired. He has been very public about it. Everyone knows that Nowakowki and Spencer were tight -- it is really the only good relationship that Spencer had at City Hall. So I think it's easy to connect the dots. Nowakowki was carrying Spencers water. Now that he got busted, Spencer has disappeared. Why won't Mark Spencer stand up and help his friend. Instead Spencer has gone into hiding. That tells me a lot about the kind of man Spencer is.

I think the most important thing is that now the whole City Council will know what kind of man Spencer is. Why would they trust him in the future? It's like I said before, Spencer has ruined PLEAs relationships at City Hall. This is going to hurt PLEA for a long time.


  1. This is what I've been wondering. He hasn't been quoted in a single article. I don't know all that happened but it looks like he is hiding. I couldn't figure out why none of the articles had a quote from him. Man, we have name for guys like that at the station.

  2. Good point on both counts. Mark Spencer has been really quiet, leaving the councilman to flap in the breeze. It's hard to imagine what the rest of the city council must think of him.

  3. This is another unfortunate instance where I have to admit that I am disappointed in the way Mark Spencer has performed the duties of a union official. I don't have access to all the facts related to this incident, but the evidence appears to be damning by any measure.

  4. He's a friggin idiot!! I knew he would be nothing but trouble. Sooner he leaves the department the better off everyone will be.

  5. He has locked himself in his bedroom over the Nowakowski fiasco, yet was more that willing to be front and center when he has attacked the other Councilmembers who have figured out he is a cancer. Hopefully it is only a matter of time before Nowakowski figures out that he was duped and used by Spencer---a first class opportunist.

    Its is much easier to tear people down for what they do than to stake your own claim on achievement. I have not seen Spencer lead on anything that is his--except trying to get officers the right to wear beanies on the job. He has been quite willing, however, to make personal attacks on the Mayor, the City Council, the Chief, and the City Manager. Can all these people be flawed and Spencer be perfect?

    The expiratation date for Nowakowski as new-comer has passed. Its time for him to show that he has learned something or we are going to have to conclude he is either an oportunist in his own right, or cognitively lazy, or both.

  6. All I have to say is Get out Mark!! You've screwed everything up!

  7. Hey might be a little put off due to the fact even though he has been screaming about there is no chief of police, both the city manager and city attorney have recognized that Jack Harris is not breaking any rules and is the Chief.

  8. Spencer is an idiot. He's ruined PLEA. He should have been fired a long time ago.

  9. I see a few people here are supporting the new beanies Spencer is trying to get included as part off our uniforms. I went to the fashion show/fundraiser for Russell Pearce that Spencer put on at Barcelona night club and the beanies look really cool. They would distinguish Phoenix PD from all the other depts and give us our own unique look.

    You can see the beanies here:

  10. I thought Spencer was trying to help us. I heard that when the NRA convention was in town over the weekend Spencer said he had set up a meeting with the NRA president and Ted Nugent about getting us sniper rifles for free. I heard that when all the PD folks got there there was no NRA president and just Nugents publicist and a gun salesman. They tried to sell up sniper rifles at almost double the retail price and asked if we could help them get rifles for the department. How does this help us?

  11. There was another article today in the Arizona Repbulic. Thanks for getting the word out. Let us know how we can help.

  12. Mark does not have a good grasp on the truth. For example: He told the officers who pay the PLEA dues that he got them the biggest raise ever in the last contract. What he failed to mention was most of the increase was a market adjustment to keep pace with the pay of other metro area departments. It was agreed this would be in the next contract when Jake Jacobsen was PLEA President. Mark's efforts added all of 1 percent on top of the already agreed upon increase. He needs to go.
