Saturday, June 6, 2009

Spencer Talking Out of Both Sides of His Mouth

He's at it again. After everything he went through to drag down the Mayor and Jack Harris because they wouldn't change operation order 1.4. Now, he's saying that it is not necessary. So, basically he is admitting that he was just in a pissing match with the Mayor and Jack Harris.

We have to remember that he is using PLEAs power to start these fights and he is using the name of our union to suggest that we support what he is doing.

Read this blog:

I don't know anyone who was begging to be an immigration cop, but Mark made it sound like it was the most important thing in the world for police officers to ask immigration status. Now, they find out that nobody is doing it. No doubt. Nobody wanted to do it to begin with.

Why can't Mark just represent the union on the stuff that is really important to us?


  1. I don't think anyone really understood why Mark was pushing the agenda on operation order 1.4. As far as I was concerned he was only doing it to buddy up to Arpaio in his battle with Mayor Phil.

    The thing I keep asking myself is why Mark wants to team up with people like Arpaio against the city he works for, and against his members. I agree that nobody wanted to have to ask immigration status. It is a huge time drain and it takes officers off the street for too long. When you have one call after another that could mean the difference between life and death it's not smart to sit around waiting to find out if someone has papers.

    I'd like to see more on Marks relationship with Arpaio. Arpaio has done everything to hurt out department. As far as I'm concerned, anything Mark does to form an alliance with Arpaio, he's doing against the members.

  2. Spencer and Arpaio are butt buddies. They rode the illegal immigrant issue as far as they could. Now it's biting them back.

  3. He has moved on to beanies and rifles. The illegal immigrants aren't the top media story anymore, so Joe and Mark have moved on. Classic.

  4. It was a dumb idea to have us checking immigration status. There is no way they can change the policy back to what it used to be, so we will have to live with being beaten up by the press for not doing our job. Another gift from Mark Spencer to the members.

  5. I heard Spencer was in the drop and he only had a couple years left. Anyone know whether that's true?

  6. Thanks for all the information on Mark. I know a lot of people are using this site to learn more about PLEA and Mark. I sent you private note with my email address. Let me know how I can help.

  7. Yes Spencer is in DROP and will hang on until he is done no doubt. His big push for illegals was nothing more than a dog and pony show. Just like most of his causes. Why he said PLEA supports Arpio only he knows, Yet to support a guy that did nothing but talk about how bad Phoenix PD was is not a smart move.

    Arresting an illegal that committed a crime great let ICE at 4th ave. sort that out. But when squads on the streets that have just beats or beats plus one covered and spending time waiting on ICE to respond or even if they will do anything just for an immagration check is a misuse of resources and put the community at greater risk. Mr.Spencer just needs to get off his high horse and replecace some of the board members. Especially the ones that only have 1 yr of actual street time.

  8. Spencer is in DROP as of December, two years ago.

  9. Enough is enough! Spencer and his dwarfs got through another election by withholding information from the members. What do the bylaws say about removing Spencer from his position?

  10. The problem is, Spencer and the same people are running for the Board again. We should get the ballots in the mail Monday. Everyone running for the Board is running unopposed. If you don't like who you all voted in last time, you have only yourselves to blame for this time. Your options are to check out the PLEA Bylaws either in the office or on their website and see what it takes to get someone out of office. Or, you can quit PLEA the first week of July or the first week of January.
