Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Why Did Spencer Lie about the Money for the National Memorial?

So after some searching, I have the scoop on what happened to the money for the National Law Enforcement Memorial and the Museum. I think I also figured out why Spencer hasn’t given them our check – he was the only board member to vote against collecting dues to help fund the memorial.

In 2004 the PLEA board voted to increase dues once a year by $10 to help fund the memorial. The plan was to give the national memorial $100,000. The $10 increase was added to the “uniform check”. The $10 increase was just a once a year deal. All the board members, except Spencer, voted for the increase to help fund the memorial.

In July of last year (2008) PLEA made the last $10 deduction from paychecks and they were supposed to deliver the last $20,000 to the D.C. After we met the commitment to give the national memorial $100,000, there was $23,000 left over that was supposed to be used to send the families of fallen officers back to the memorial in D.C.

The last $20,000 that was collected from our paychecks hasn’t been given to the national memorial. Mark Spencer and Joe Clure have decided that they are going to use the money to leverage something they want – maybe beanies, who knows.

And if it isn’t enough that Spencer didn’t give the national memorial a check, he told the members that he had delivered the check. Look at the October, 2008 RECAP. Spencer wrote that our last $20,000 check was delivered and that we met our commitment to the memorial. Well, that’s funny because nobody in D.C. received the check and last time anyone checked the check had never been cashed.

What I want to know is why Spencer lied to all the members? Why did he tell us that the check was delivered when he never delivered the check to anyone? What do you think the guys that are running the National Memorial think about PLEA? That we are a bunch of people that don’t keep our promises.

This is another example of how Mark Spencer is representing PLEA. He is ruining relationships and making people think that we support what he is doing. We all have to let people know that Mark Spencer’s actions are not supported by officers here in Phoenix.


  1. As someone involved with the group of officers that went to D.C. this year for Police Week to honor Officer Shane Figueroa, I was less than impressed by PLEA's help. They gave about 100 dollars to some of the officers (big help when the hotel almost cost that much per night) and others got nothing from PLEA because they were not "members." Each officer received a check from PLEA because PLEA was distributing money donated by someone else. They only added money to their members. If Mark says he represents all the officers, then all the officers should be treated the same. Then again, given his shameful actions at the hospital the night of Shane's death, I have no respect for him anyway.

  2. I heard that Mark is trying to become president of the state organization. Someone needs to tell them about what he did with the memorial. It would be a shame if he was elected to the state post after that mess up.

  3. This is absolute BS. I have friends that have dies in the line of duty and I was proud of PLEA for stepping up to the plate to help the national memorial. I was proud to give my share. What the F does Mark think he's doing? That's not his money to screw around with. That's money we gave to honor our fallen brothers.

  4. I know Mark and you haven't even seen the beginning of his lies and destruction. He was, is and will always be power hungry. He has just gotten started just wait until he feels like he is in the clear, then you'll see him really rage.

  5. This guy has gone crazy.

  6. Well, what are you going to do about it? It was your fellow officers who elected him. Run somebody against him who you can be proud of.

  7. I remember when PLEA approved the $10 increase to contribute to the memorial. It's unfortunate that Mr. Spencer can't find his way to doing the right thing with the money. Heed the will of the members and give the money to the memorial.

  8. Mark is an stupid man.

  9. Anyone seen a PLEA recap recently or did they give up on sending those out during election time.

  10. Ouch! It seems like Mark and the clowns at PLEA could loose their union certification over this one. Someone check the Meet & Confer ordinance. Maybe a change would do us all good.

    Great site. Keep up the good work.
