Sunday, May 31, 2009

More Ruined Relationships

Spencer is at it again. Now he is in a full war with at least two council people and the mayor. Plus his ignorance of what the members want has led another council member to get dragged through the mud.

A few weeks ago Spencer said he was going to bring a lawsuit against Councilman Maddox because he wasn't allowed to speak at the public safety subcommittee meeting. This week he has a shame on you article with a letter to Councilman Diciccio on the PLEA website because he doesn't support firing the police chief and buying beanies for police officers. Spencer knows his name is mud with everyone that counts, so he didn't even send the letter from himself. He had someone else do his dirty work.

None of this stuff is what the members of PLEA want, it is all about what Spencer wants to make himself and his ego feel better. Most of the members could care less if we got beanies, why is Spencer willing to go to war about it?

Meanwhile, Councilman Nowakowski is still reeling out of control to try to get out of the box Spencer got him into. Now he has people in the hispanic community turning against him for supporting a racist union president over a competent police chief.

There you go. Spencer just keeps making thigs worse. Every week is a new chance for Spencer to mess something up.

The cat is out of the bag and now all of the media is going to pay attention to Spencers every move. Everything he does reflects on the PLEA members, but he can't seem to figure that out.


  1. He's not going to stop until he is removed from his position. His board is culpable.

  2. I read the letter on the PLEA website. It's typical for Mark to get someone else to do his dirty work for him. Now he's got the national fighting his fight. Who's reputation will he ruin next?

  3. Anyone actually vote for Will Buividas - Trustee/Negotiator oh thats right no cause he was brought in by Mark Spencer. Seems that Mr. Spencer when someone leaves replaces them with someone who is a loyal follower of his games. That is right cause now after the last change in the by-laws if you don't agree with him and are on the board or a rep you can be kicked out and they can deny membership to officers if they wish. Glad they made those by laws easy to read for people and didn't just put a link to a web site....oh wait I forgot they did only put a link to a web site and didn't explain the changes.

  4. I heard the hispanic community is organizing to find a candidate to replace Nowakowski because he was trying to get the chief fired.
